This reporting channel concerns only the following violations:


(a) Crimes and offences relating, inter alia, to the following conduct:

• Corruption or trading of
• Money laundering, financial, tax and accounting crimes;
• Conflicts of interest;
• Privacy and personal data protection;
• Anti-competitive practices;
• Trade sanctions, embargoes and export controls;
• Product safety and compliance;
• Public health;
• Security of networks and information systems;
• Environmental protection;
• Consumer protection;
• Tax evasion of companies;
• Fraud.

(b) Threat or harm to the public interest;
(c) Illegal and relevant conduct under Legislative Decree 231/2001 or serious violations of the Organizational Model 231 and the Code of Ethics of Gruppo Piazzetta S.p.A. Italy not covered by the directive or applicable local laws;

(d) Violation of applicable laws on moral or sexual harassment, discrimination and violence in the workplace;

(e) Failure to respect human rights;

(f) Violation of the principle of non-retaliation.

The reporting procedures adopted by Gruppo Piazzetta S.p.A. are listed in the following document downloadable Here

Personal Data Processing Policy pursuant to sections
13-14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 relating to Whistleblowing Policy downloadable Here